Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Sunflower

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The Sunflower

I cannot think of a bolder, brighter flower than the sunflower. In the summer months we get to experience this huge flower's growth from a hearty seed to the giant of all flowers. I've managed to grow a few but this flower demands lots of sun and soil. Many times I've grown one only to watch the birds or a squirrel knock it down and take off with the seeds. I can't blame them because there's a feast to be had in the center of one of these flowers. When I look at the inside of a sunflower, I'm amazed at nature's intricate spiraling of seeds packed in a perfect mathematically uniform pattern. There's an entire world inside a sunflower. Each seed fits so perfectly into the next without a bit of space left to spare.
Sometimes I feel so overcrowded in the congested city where I live. With all the road rage and grouchy service people, (...and sometimes I'm that grouchy service person so I certainly understand the feeling.) if we only looked to the sunflower for perfect harmony we might feel a little better about all the crowds we see everyday.
I had a chance to move to the country recently and turned it down. I couldn't stand to be without the city culture and busy marketplace. There are true benefits to living in the city. We've got museums and parks galore. We've got some of the best shopping in the USA. We've got groups and meets and churches and temples and the list goes on and on.
Yes, I had my chance to move to the country but like the sunflower, I'm still trying to find my harmony in the city amongst the crowds and buildings.


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