Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sand Dollars

Sand Dollars

One of the funniest memories from my childhood at the beach had to do with sand dollars. I had a friend called Bruce and his family would meet me and my family at the beach.
One day when we were playing at the beach, a lot of sand dollars had washed up on the shore. We began collecting them and talking about what interesting creatures they were. One man with a really big sense of humor observed us talking and walked up to say, "Do you know why they call them sand dollars?" We stared back at him and shook our heads. He said, "Sand Dollars are actually worth a dollar. You can cash them in at the bank for one dollar each." Our eyes lit up. Money!!! We had no idea they were so valuable. We spent the rest of the day combing the beach looking for sand dollars! We were no longer interested in the waves, they sun, swimming or any other wonderful beach activities. Instead, we became obsessed with hunting for sand dollars.
At the end of the day I was sitting on the beach shoreline counting my sand dollars. Bruce walked up and claimed that half of them were his since we had started out looking for them together. He then took over half of my sand dollars and added them to his already hefty pile. I was appalled! I counter attacked by saying that over half of his sand dollars were mine and then took more than half of his and added it to my pile.
We began fighting. Our two families broke up the fight and then decided to pack up for the day and go home. They forced us to divide the pile evenly between the two of us.
On the way home, I asked my mother if she would mind stopping by the bank. I had some sand dollars to "cash in"

...and that's when I learned the truth about sand dollars.


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