Sunday, September 28, 2014

New Tree house - final version

This is the final version of my bird's tree house. It took them a while to get used to it. I have two tiny 'Parrotlets.' They are classified as the 'worlds smallest parrot.' Don't let their size fool you. Even though their brain is the size of a pea, they are remarkably smart. I've read that some can even talk. My two birds cannot talk but they do mimic some sounds that I make like the kisses I give them. They also respond to commands. If I say "take a bath," they start diving into their water dish. If I say "time to go night, night," they climb in their cage and go to their resting spot for the night.

When I first introduced the tree house, it startled them. Of course, anything bigger than them is frightening so I knew this would take some time. As you can see in the next few pictures, they adapted and learned to love it. They know that it is their tree house and a safe place to go when they are out of their cage. It's like their new vacation home.


At October 1, 2014 at 7:55 PM , Blogger David-Glen Smith said...

Love the range of colors you designed-- works well with the bird's green hues. Like the way you created different levels and layers to their cabin retreat. Almost a scaled-theatrical set.


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