Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Swamp

In The Swamp

I live in the south so slow moving swampy water is very natural to me. I find these places intriguing. I've always been fascinated with alligators. As a matter of fact, alligator was one of the first complex words I learned to say when I was a child.
I had a dream vision of an alligator recently and since that time, I've noticed how many paintings, sculptures and other forms of art are honoring this ancient creature.
One African proverb states, "If you have a problem, got to the river and discuss it with your ancestor, the crocodile." In this saying, the Africans are honoring a creature that has lived for millions of years and must have generated great wisdom to be on this earth for so long.
Reptiles are truly gorgeous and we need to give them their space to grow and thrive in such mystical swamps such as this image shown above my writing. I wanted to show a sacred spot for this mysterious creature in this drawing.

You can find this image on ebay:


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