Thursday, March 10, 2016

Mesquite Tree


When I was a very young artist and straight out of college, I entered my first art competition which was hosted in Webster, Texas. There was no internet available to the public at that time so I was pleasantly surprised when I received a letter back from the Webster gallery show stating:
“We received your entry and thank you for the beautiful slide.”
“What a nice thing to do,” I thought to myself. I lived in Houston at that time so I had to look up the location of Webster, TX on a map. When I discovered that it was on the way to the beach, I was overjoyed and fantasized about winning the competition, becoming friends with the gallery hosts and then moving to Webster, TX. I even dreamed about traveling to Webster and telling my sister that Webster, Texas was full of mesquite trees.
This was the most amazing part of the dream because in waking life, I had no idea what a mesquite tree looked like. I didn’t win the competition or even place but that dream sparked an interest in dream work and ‘hidden knowledge’ that is accessible in our sleep. Every time I look at a mesquite tree, I’m reminded of that dream.