Friday, May 25, 2018

Blackberry Tea - The Fruits of My Own Labor

I use a small coffee pot when I brew my herbal and fruit teas. I keep an extra coffee pot on my counter just for this purpose. I never put coffee in this one pot so it is not stained with old grinds and bad smells. You can use coffee filters to stop the berries from staining your filter cup because blackberries emit the richest red syrup.
I add honey that I bought from a local farmer to the pot of tea even though it's already naturally sweet.
If you use honey from your region, it helps you fight allergies by building up an immunity to the pollen that the bees are gathering in their hives. It really helps me on spring mornings when I wake up sneezing.
With a handful of berries like the picture shown above, I can usually get about 2 - 1 quart pots of tea. After the tea cools, I pour the fresh blackberry tea into plastic bottles for freezing. It's important to only fill the bottles 3/4ths full otherwise it will expand when frozen and distort the bottle.
It's hot here in south Texas so I carry a frozen bottle of herbal or fruit tea every day. It melts slowly while I'm driving so it's important to keep a cooler or towel around the bottom of the bottle.